Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation

The Southern economic development model has failed to create shared prosperity in the region. In fact, this model was deliberately designed to do the opposite—to extract the labor of Black and brown Southerners as cheaply as possible. We need an economic strategy that reverses the impact of 150 years of racist, anti-worker policymaking in the South.

The Reports




Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: Waffle House strike highlights the harms of the Southern economic development modelRooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: Operation Dixie failed 78 years ago. Are today's Southern workers about to change all that?Graphic of a hand placing a dollar bill into a tip jarRooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: Alabama's and Maryland's similar Black unemployment rates mask major differences in labor market conditions



In conversation about Rooted in Racism

Instagram Townhall
Chandra Childers, Senior Policy and Economic Analyst at Economic Policy Institute hosted a panel with Lawren Long of the National Black Worker Center, Anne Price from the Maven Collaborative, and Troy Washington from Jobs to Move America to discuss Economic Policy Institute’s #RootedinRacism series on the Southern economic model and how it has failed to bring shared prosperity to the region.

Nina Mast breaks down the racist roots of tipping
Did you know that tipping and the subminimum wage for service workers are practices that are #RootedinRacism and hail from the exploitation of formerly enslaved Black workers following emancipation? It’s time to stop the discriminatory treatment of tipped workers in the US and eliminate the tipped minimum wage. Service workers deserve the same hourly wage as everyone else, regardless of tips. (map credit: CEPR) #Tipping #ServiceWorkers #SubminimumWage #Racism #History

@economicpolicyinstitute Did you know that tipping and the subminimum wage for service workers are practices that are #RootedinRacism and hail from the exploitation of formerly enslaved Black workers following emancipation? It’s time to stop the discriminatory treatment of tipped workers in the US and eliminate the tipped minimum wage. Service workers deserve the same hourly wage as everyone else, regardless of tips. (map credit: CEPR) #Tipping #ServiceWorkers #SubminimumWage #Racism #History ♬ original sound – Economic Policy Institute

Pitchfork Economics podcast
Chandra Childers speaks with Goldy and Paul about the Southern economic development model, and how some Southern states are bucking the trend by adopting more progressive policies.

Power at Work
In Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: The Southern Development Strategy for Power at Work, Chandra Childers explains the Southern economic development model was not designed to benefit workers, their families, or their communities and how increasingly workers and communities are coming together to raise labor standards and demand stronger public supports.



Social Media Toolkit

Amplifying the research and policy recommendations described in Rooted in Racism is easy and effective using the tools and prompts below.

  1. Download graphics by right-clicking an image to save it onto your desktop. You can also simply drag it onto your desktop. On mobile, hold down on the image and select “Download Image.” Refrain from using screenshots, as they distort quality.
  2. Log into your social accounts.
  3. Copy and paste one of the sample messages below into your status update. Don’t forget to use hashtags and link back to important research (usually a link)
  4. Upload the graphic saved onto your desktop/phone to accompany your status update.
  5. Post your status update and encourage others to join the conversation!

Messaging and Graphics


These tweets can stand alone, or be part of a thread.

  • This week marks almost 80 years since Operation Dixie, the largest effort to unionize workers across the South in US history. Operation Dixie was unfortunately defeated by a Southern economic development model that is #RootedinRacism @EconomicPolicy
  • Powerful interests in the South have used racism & white supremacy to divide the population & distract them from what they have in common: “They are all being exploited by those at the top,” says @EconomicPolicy. Read the #RootedinRacism report:
  • The Southern economic model is #RootedinRacism, but Southerners can choose a different way forward. It’s time to demand policies that will lift up EVERYONE in the region.  Read the @EconomicPolicy report:

Choose one graphic to accompany the following caption to post on Instagram. 

Caption Copy

This week marks almost 80 years since Operation Dixie, the largest effort to unionize workers across the South in American history. Operation Dixie was unfortunately defeated by a Southern economic development model that is #RootedinRacism

But Southerners can choose a different way forward. It’s time to demand policies that will lift up EVERYONE in the region.

Read the @economicpolicy’s #RootedinRacism report at


Download a graphic from the links below and pair with your choice of caption copy.

Click graphic to view in full size


Body Copy

This week marks almost 80 years since Operation Dixie, the largest effort to unionize workers across the South in American history. Operation Dixie was unfortunately defeated by a Southern economic development model that is #RootedinRacism 

After slavery was abolished, politicians and the wealthy sought to continue extracting labor from Black and brown people. To keep costs low & workers down, Southern states implemented exploitative policies like low or no minimum wages, fierce opposition to unions, & few business regulations.

Powerful interests in the South have used racism and white supremacy to divide the population and distract them from what they have in common: “They are all being exploited by those at the top,” says EPI’s Chandra Childers.

But as the UAW’s recent win shows, southerners can choose a different way forward. It’s time to demand policies that will lift up EVERYONE in the region. 

Read the #RootedinRacism report below:



Download a graphic from the links below and pair with your choice of body copy.

Click graphic to view in full size


Repost our Tiktok directly to your feed, or use any of the talking points above to stitch our video and add your own context.

Video Link