Areas of expertise
Labor economics • Labor markets • Hours of work
Lonnie Golden, an Economic Policy Institute research associate, has published research for academic journals and authored books on the topics of working hours, flexible scheduling, working time regulation, contingent employment, labor demand and labor supply.
Ph.D. University of Illinois (1985)
M.A. University of Illinois (1982)
B.A. University of Illinois (1979)
By Content:
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By Type:
Part-time workers pay a big-time penalty: Hourly wages-and-benefits penalties for part-time work are largest for those seeking full-time jobs and for men, but affect more women
Rescheduling—now is a good time for its reintroduction!
Testimony before the New York City Council on ‘Fair Workweek’ legislation
Still falling short on hours and pay: Part-time work becoming new normal
Irregular Work Scheduling and Its Consequences
Flexibility and Overtime Among Hourly and Salaried Workers: When You Have Little Flexibility, You Have Little To Lose
Phony ‘flextime’
Work-flex bills don’t help the workers | EPI Viewpoints
Comp time bills off target
Time After Time: Mandatory Overtime in the U.S. Economy
The Time Bandit: What U.S. workers surrender to get greater flexibility in work
Family Friend or Foe?