International comparisons

The United States taxes a lot less, and spends a lot less, than almost every other rich country.

Even if U.S. spending in coming decades rises as much as some have projected it will, U.S. taxing and spending levels would still fall well short of most of our advanced country peers. These low tax and spending levels limit how much the U.S. tax and spending system can push back on inequality and fight poverty.

Public spending in the U.S. is low relative to other rich nations—and even a big increase in future spending wouldn’t make the U.S. a high spender.

Right now, when it comes to public spending, the U.S. spends less—as a share of GDP—than all but three of its rich country peers. Rising health care costs are projected to drive a big increase in U.S. government spending in the years ahead. But even if no reforms are undertaken to slow these health care costs, total U.S. government spending in 2048 would still be lower than current spending by many of our rich country peers.

Total government spending as a share of GDP in the 20 richest countries

Country Share of GDP
France 55.6%
Finland 53.3%
Belgium 52.1%
Norway 51.5%
Sweden 49.3%
Denmark 49.2%
Italy 48.6%
Austria 48.4%
Germany 45.2%
Iceland 43.4%
Slovenia 43.3%
Non-U.S. average 42.7%
Luxembourg 42.2%
Spain 42.1%
Netherlands 42.0%
Canada 41.7%
Czech Republic 41.3%
UK 41.0%
Israel 39.9%
New Zealand 39.8%
Japan 39.0%
Estonia 38.9%
Australia 38.6%
United States 37.8%
Lithuania 34.6%
Switzerland 32.7%
Korea 31.2%
Ireland 24.5%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.355.6%53.3%52.1%51.5%49.3%49.2%48.6%48.4%45.2%43.4%43.3%42.7%42.2%42.1%42.0%41.7%41.3%41.0%39.9%39.8%39.0%38.9%38.6%37.8%34.6%32.7%31.2%24.5%FranceFinlandBelgiumNorwaySwedenDenmarkItalyAustriaGermanyIcelandSloveniaNon-U.S. averageLuxembourgSpainNetherlandsCanadaCzech RepublicUKIsraelNew ZealandJapanEstoniaAustraliaUnited StatesLithuaniaSwitzerlandKoreaIreland
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Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), OECD.Stat online database, accessed April 2021. Data are for 2019. Total government spending includes all levels of government (for example local, state, and federal for the U.S.) and interest spending. Spending levels in 2048 assume spending rises as projected by the Congressional Budget Office (The 2018 Long-Term Budget Outlook, June 2018) and no changes are made to current health care policy. Cross-country comparisons look at total, not just federal, spending to accommodate widely different government structures.

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The U.S. taxes much less than other rich countries—and taxes would stay relatively low even if they rose to finance projected spending increases.

The United States is second from the bottom in terms of revenues collected as a share of GDP. It would not become a high-tax country even if rising health care costs drive a big increase in U.S. public spending that is financed by raising taxes. If no policy change checks health care cost growth, by 2048 the United States would still need to raise only as much in taxes as several other rich countries raise today.

General government revenue as a share of GDP in the 20 richest countries

Country Tax revenue as share of GDP
Norway 58.1%
Denmark 53.0%
France 52.5%
Finland 52.2%
Belgium 50.2%
Sweden 49.9%
Austria 49.2%
Italy 47.1%
Germany 46.7%
Luxembourg 44.7%
Netherlands 43.7%
Slovenia 43.7%
Non-U.S. average 42.7%
Canada 42.3%
Iceland 41.9%
Czech Republic 41.7%
New Zealand 40.3%
Spain 39.2%
Estonia 39.0%
UK 38.8%
Japan 36.5%
Israel 36.0%
Lithuania 35.1%
Korea 34.9%
Australia 34.6%
Switzerland 34.1%
United States 31.5%
Ireland 25.1%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.358.1%53.0%52.5%52.2%50.2%49.9%49.2%47.1%46.7%44.7%43.7%43.7%42.7%42.3%41.9%41.7%40.3%39.2%39.0%38.8%36.5%36.0%35.1%34.9%34.6%34.1%31.5%25.1%NorwayDenmarkFranceFinlandBelgiumSwedenAustriaItalyGermanyLuxembourgNetherlandsSloveniaNon-U.S. averageCanadaIcelandCzech RepublicNew ZealandSpainEstoniaUKJapanIsraelLithuaniaKoreaAustraliaSwitzerlandUnited StatesIreland
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Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), OECD.Stat online database, accessed April 2021. Data are for 2019. Total government revenue includes revenues accruing to all levels of government (for example local, state, and federal for the U.S.).

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Public spending to reduce child poverty is lower in the U.S. than in any other rich nation.

Countries invest in their future when they invest in the health, education, and well-being of children. It is especially important for countries to invest in children from poorer families that don’t earn enough (i.e., don’t have enough “market income”) to afford these necessities. The U.S. lags far behind its international peers when it comes to this kind of investment. On average, the U.S. spends about a third as much on families with children as the average non-U.S. rich country (0.7% vs. 2.1% as a share of GDP). Given that the United States spends the least on social programs for families among its peers, it’s not surprising that it has the second-highest child poverty rate (Source).

Family benefits public spending as a share of GDP in the 20 richest countries

Country Share of GDP
Denmark 3.4%
Sweden 3.4%
Luxembourg 3.3%
Iceland 3.3%
Norway 3.2%
United Kingdom 3.2%
France 2.9%
Finland 2.9%
Estonia 2.8%
Belgium 2.7%
Austria 2.6%
New Zealand 2.5%
Non-U.S average 2.3%
Germany 2.3%
Israel 2.3%
Australia 2.1%
Italy 2.0%
Czech Republic 2.0%
Slovenia 1.8%
Switzerland 1.8%
Lithuania 1.8%
Canada 1.7%
Japan 1.6%
Ireland 1.6%
Netherlands 1.5%
Spain 1.2%
Korea 1.1%
United States 0.6%
Created with Highcharts KingdomFranceFinlandEstoniaBelgiumAustriaNew ZealandNon-U.S averageGermanyIsraelAustraliaItalyCzech RepublicSloveniaSwitzerlandLithuaniaCanadaJapanIrelandNetherlandsSpainKoreaUnited States
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Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), OECD.Stat online database, accessed April 2021. Data are for 2017. The OECD defines family benefits public spending as cash benefits to families with children, public spending on services for families (including early childhood education but excluding K–12 education), and financial support for families provided through the tax system. It includes spending at all levels of government.

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The U.S. tax and spending system does less to fight poverty than systems in all other rich countries.

One consequence of low public spending in the U.S. is a higher poverty rate. The U.S. and other rich countries have a spectrum of programs that transfer resources to households with specific needs. Some of these “transfer” programs are safety net programs or tax credits that kick in to support people when their earnings aren’t enough to meet basic expenses. Other transfer programs are social insurance programs (like Social Security in the U.S.)—people at all income levels pay into these programs and get benefits back when they need them.

Transfers are often directly targeted to combat poverty. And their poverty-reducing effect is even greater when you add in features of the tax system that shift resources to families further down the income scale. But of all the rich countries, the U.S. has the weakest tax-and-transfer system when it comes to fighting poverty.

U.S. poverty rate before and after taxes and transfers

Category Poverty rate
Before 26.8%
After 17.8%
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Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD.Stat online database, accessed April 2021. The poverty rate here is an OECD harmonized rate—the share of households earnings less than half the median household income.


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Reduction in poverty achieved by taxes and transfers

Country Reduction in Poverty
Finland 83.1%
Czech Republic 79.7%
France 77.6%
Denmark 76.4%
Belgium* 75.2%
Ireland 74.3%
Slovenia 70.0%
Austria 69.6%
Netherlands 69.0%
Germany 68.2%
Norway 68.0%
Luxembourg 66.4%
Iceland 65.9%
Sweden 63.5%
United Kingdom 62.4%
Non-U.S. average 60.5%
Italy 59.5%
Spain 57.1%
New Zealand* 53.2%
Japan* 52.4%
Australia 52.0%
Canada 49.4%
Estonia 47.0%
Switzerland 38.5%
United States 33.1%
Israel 22.0%
Korea 11.1%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.383.1%79.7%77.6%76.4%75.2%74.3%70.0%69.6%69.0%68.2%68.0%66.4%65.9%63.5%62.4%60.5%59.5%57.1%53.2%52.4%52.0%49.4%47.0%38.5%33.1%22.0%11.1%FinlandCzech RepublicFranceDenmarkBelgium*IrelandSloveniaAustriaNetherlandsGermanyNorwayLuxembourgIcelandSwedenUnited KingdomNon-U.S. averageItalySpainNew Zealand*Japan*AustraliaCanadaEstoniaSwitzerlandUnited StatesIsraelKorea
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*Data are for 2016 with the exceptions of Belgium (2018), New Zealand (2014), and Japan (2015)

Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), OECD.Stat online database, accessed April 2021. Data are for 2016.

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A nation’s taxes and spending reflect its priorities. But it can be difficult to understand those priorities—and to set them—without understanding the mechanics of taxation and spending. Use the Tax & Spending Explorer to see how our system really works.


As a whole, federal taxes are an equalizing force. How do different taxes work, and whom do they impact the most?


The bulk of federal spending goes directly to individuals and families. How do these federal spending programs work?

State and local

Taxes at the state and local levels can make inequality worse. What goes into state and local taxes and budgets?


The U.S. spends less and taxes less than most of its peers. How does the U.S. rank, and what does that mean for poverty?