Wages 2021

Wage growth fell at higher wage levels in 2021: Real annual composition-adjusted wage growth by percentile, alternative and calendar years, 2020–2021

Percentile Alternative year Calendar year
5th 0.4% 1.1%
10th 0.7% 1.1%
15th 0.6% 1.0%
20th 0.3% 0.6%
25th 0.0% 0.3%
30th -0.5% -0.1%
35th -0.9% -0.5%
40th -1.4% -0.9%
45th -1.8% -1.2%
50th -2.1% -1.5%
55th -2.4% -1.7%
60th -2.5% -1.8%
65th -2.7% -1.9%
70th -2.8% -2.0%
75th -2.9% -2.2%
80th -3.0% -2.3%
85th -3.1% -2.4%
90th -3.2% -2.7%


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Notes: “Alternative year 2020–2021” refers to changes between the initial 12 months of the pandemic (March 2020--February 2021) and the most recent 12 months of the pandemic (March 2021–February 2022). “Calendar year 2020--2021” refers to changes between January–December 2020 and January–December 2021. Wages are adjusted for inflation to February 2022 dollars using the CPI-U-RS. Wage changes are available only up to the 90th percentile because of topcoding issues (see Gould, deCourcy, and Mokhiber 2022).

Source: Authors’ analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata, EPI Current Population Survey Extracts, Version 1.0.27 (2022), https://microdata.epi.org.

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