
Change in employment by state December 2007–December 2016

State Total employment, December 2016 Percent change since December 2007 Change since December 2007 Percent change last 3 months Change last 3 months Percent change since December 2007
Alabama 1,976,200 -1.9% -38,700 0.4% 8,200 -1.9%
Alaska 334,600 5.2% 16,600 -0.8% -2,600 5.2%
Arizona 2,717,000 1.4% 37,600 0.3% 8,600 1.4%
Arkansas 1,232,200 2.0% 24,600 0.1% 1400 2.0%
California 16,606,600 7.3% 1,134,100 0.3% 51,000 7.3%
Colorado 2,627,400 11.8% 276,900 0.3% 6,600 11.8%
Connecticut 1,678,000 -1.6% -27,300 -0.3% -5,600 -1.6%
Delaware 458,500 4.1% 17,900 -0.7% -3100 4.1%
DC 785,600 12.2% 85,500 0.4% 2,800 12.2%
Florida 8,462,900 6.7% 531,100 0.4% 33,900 6.7%
Georgia 4,433,400 6.3% 263,100 0.7% 29,800 6.3%
Hawaii 655,200 4.3% 27,200 0.2% 1,000 4.3%
Idaho 700,700 6.7% 44,200 0.7% 5,000 6.7%
Illinois 6,002,600 0.3% 17,400 -0.3% -17,800 0.3%
Indiana 3,083,700 3.0% 90,600 0.3% 7,800 3.0%
Iowa 1,582,100 3.8% 57,200 -0.4% -6,300 3.8%
Kansas 1,392,400 0.4% 5,600 -0.2% -3,400 0.4%
Kentucky 1,919,400 3.3% 61,600 0.3% 5,000 3.3%
Louisiana 1,975,400 2.1% 39,900 0.4% 7,300 2.1%
Maine 610,900 -1.6% -9,800 -0.4% -2,200 -1.6%
Maryland 2,713,400 3.9% 101,500 0.1% 1,900 3.9%
Massachusetts 3,590,400 8.2% 272,000 0.2% 8,200 8.2%
Michigan 4,363,600 2.8% 118,200 0.5% 21,900 2.8%
Minnesota 2,919,300 5.3% 148,000 0.5% 13,700 5.3%
Mississippi 1,133,600 -2.3% -26,700 -0.6% -7,000 -2.3%
Missouri 2,847,800 1.6% 45,400 0.7% 18,600 1.6%
Montana 465,300 4.2% 18,800 0.7% 3,100 4.2%
Nebraska 1,021,300 5.5% 53,600 0.3% 3,400 5.5%
Nevada 1,306,000 1.1% 14,100 0.6% 7,200 1.1%
New Hampshire 672,600 3.4% 22,200 0.2% 1,400 3.4%
New Jersey 4,086,400 0.1% 2,800 0.0% -800 0.1%
New Mexico 830,500 -2.2% -18,600 0.9% 7100 -2.2%
New York 9,413,100 7.4% 644,800 0.3% 25,000 7.4%
North Carolina 4,360,200 4.6% 192,400 0.5% 21,500 4.6%
North Dakota 436,900 20.7% 74,900 -1.0% -4,600 20.7%
Ohio 5,517,200 1.8% 97,600 0.3% 17,800 1.8%
Oklahoma 1,657,500 3.2% 51,200 0.1% 1,600 3.2%
Oregon 1,863,100 7.2% 125,600 0.8% 14,100 7.2%
Pennsylvania 5,900,100 1.5% 88,600 0.0% -2,100 1.5%
Rhode Island 492,100 0.9% 4,300 0.3% 1,400 0.9%
South Carolina 2,070,100 6.2% 120,900 0.0% -800 6.2%
South Dakota 437,300 7.1% 29,000 -0.4% -1,600 7.1%
Tennessee 2,989,500 6.6% 184,000 0.3% 8,400 6.6%
Texas 12,141,300 15.3% 1,612,800 0.4% 53,700 15.3%
Utah 1,437,100 13.6% 171,900 0.6% 8,000 13.6%
Vermont 315,800 2.4% 7,300 -0.5% -1,700 2.4%
Virginia 3,951,700 4.6% 174,700 0.2% 7,900 4.6%
Washington 3,292,700 9.8% 295,000 0.6% 20,200 9.8%
West Virginia 763,700 -0.4% -2,700 0.3% 1,900 -0.4%
Wisconsin 2,932,800 1.9% 55,200 0.3% 8200 1.9%
Wyoming 278,700 -5.2% -15,400 -0.1% -300 -5.2%
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Note: Total nonfarm employment is the total number of jobs, part-time or full-time, in non-farm establishments.

Source: EPI analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics' Current Establishment Survey data

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