Figure 12
Median retirement savings for families with retirement savings by income quintile, families age 32-61, 1995-2013
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | |
1995 | $6,072 | $12,189 | $15,179 | $21,250 | $66,787 |
1998 | $7,148 | $12,580 | $20,013 | $32,879 | $100,067 |
2001 | $5,253 | $10,506 | $19,698 | $46,751 | $123,442 |
2004 | $2,960 | $13,565 | $18,571 | $39,461 | $143,661 |
2007 | $6,737 | $12,351 | $28,070 | $53,894 | $154,946 |
2010 | $10,717 | $10,717 | $21,434 | $42,010 | $160,754 |
2013 | $10,000 | $9,000 | $19,000 | $51,100 | $170,000 |
Note: Income rankings based on the normal income distribution of of all families, not only those in specified age range. Normal income categories (not available for 1989 and 1992) may differ from actual income categories if a family's income in the past year was unusually high or low.
Source: EPI's analysis of Survey of Consumer Finance data, 2013.
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Next chart: Median retirement savings for families approaching retirement (age 56-61) by income quintile, 1995-2013 »