Appendix Table A2

Employment multipliers per $1 million in final demand, all private-sector industries

Industry Direct jobs Supplier jobs* Induced jobs** Total indirect jobs
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting
1 Crop production 6.96 5.18 3.84 9.02
2 Animal production and aquaculture 5.13 5.77 3.49 9.26
3 Forestry 2.62 7.49 3.26 10.74
4 Logging 5.45 8.18 4.80 12.98
5 Fishing, hunting, and trapping 3.03 3.53 1.79 5.32
6 Support activities for agriculture and forestry 5.09 4.06 2.61 6.66
7 Oil and gas extraction 0.72 2.72 1.17 3.89
8 Coal mining 1.27 4.19 2.15 6.34
9 Metal ore mining 1.17 3.73 1.81 5.54
10 Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying 2.69 3.72 2.60 6.31
11 Support activities for mining 3.55 4.31 3.74 8.06
12 Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution 1.06 4.23 1.75 5.98
13 Natural gas distribution 0.99 4.52 1.80 6.32
14 Water, sewage, and other systems 0.67 10.46 2.02 12.48
15 Construction 5.45 4.80 4.88 9.68
Nondurable manufacturing
16 Animal food manufacturing 0.98 6.72 2.84 9.55
17 Grain and oilseed milling 0.69 7.38 2.95 10.33
18 Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing 2.59 5.52 3.07 8.58
19 Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing 2.50 6.75 3.59 10.34
20 Dairy product manufacturing 1.39 7.80 3.56 11.36
21 Animal slaughtering and processing 2.80 7.13 3.54 10.67
22 Seafood product preparation and packaging 3.44 4.62 2.91 7.53
23 Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing 4.40 7.50 4.40 11.90
24 Other food manufacturing 1.87 6.29 2.96 9.25
25 Beverage manufacturing 1.95 6.13 3.10 9.23
26 Tobacco manufacturing 0.22 7.52 1.43 8.96
27 Textile mills and textile product mills 3.81 4.19 3.59 7.78
28 Apparel, leather, and allied product manufacturing 3.50 5.89 4.30 10.19
29 Sawmills and wood preservation 3.42 6.08 3.83 9.91
30 Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood product manufacturing 3.93 5.38 4.05 9.43
31 Other wood product manufacturing 4.88 4.75 4.20 8.95
32 Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills 1.24 5.79 2.70 8.50
33 Converted paper product manufacturing 2.47 4.60 3.27 7.87
34 Printing and related support activities 4.88 4.49 4.46 8.95
35 Petroleum and coal products manufacturing 0.22 2.08 1.11 3.20
36 Basic chemical manufacturing 0.69 5.63 2.25 7.89
37 Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial synthetic fibers and filaments manufacturing 0.73 4.67 2.36 7.03
38 Pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemical manufacturing 0.89 4.54 1.96 6.49
39 Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing 1.14 4.49 2.06 6.55
40 Paint, coating, and adhesive manufacturing 1.50 4.43 2.64 7.08
41 Soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing 1.39 5.01 1.88 6.89
42 Other chemical product and preparation manufacturing 1.60 4.20 2.79 6.99
43 Plastics product manufacturing 2.93 4.90 3.25 8.15
44 Rubber product manufacturing 3.15 4.53 3.23 7.76
Durable manufacturing
45 Clay product and refractory manufacturing 5.31 4.17 4.28 8.46
46 Glass and glass product manufacturing 3.71 4.68 3.56 8.24
47 Cement and concrete product manufacturing 4.32 4.56 3.91 8.47
48 Lime, gypsum, and other nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing 2.85 4.95 3.04 7.99
49 Iron and steel mills and ferroalloy manufacturing 0.81 5.01 2.47 7.48
50 Steel product manufacturing from purchased steel 0.80 6.79 3.51 10.30
51 Alumina and aluminum production and processing 2.03 4.35 2.94 7.29
52 Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) production and processing 1.40 4.29 2.38 6.67
53 Foundries 4.01 4.28 3.67 7.95
54 Forging and stamping 2.47 4.62 3.20 7.81
55 Cutlery and handtool manufacturing 2.87 4.79 3.39 8.18
56 Architectural and structural metals manufacturing 4.00 4.63 4.01 8.63
57 Boiler, tank, and shipping container manufacturing 2.51 4.34 3.13 7.47
58 Hardware manufacturing 2.83 4.57 3.36 7.93
59 Spring and wire product manufacturing 3.62 4.81 4.04 8.85
60 Machine shops; turned product; and screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing 5.03 4.30 4.41 8.71
61 Coating, engraving, heat treating, and allied activities 4.63 4.23 3.73 7.96
62 Other fabricated metal product manufacturing 3.29 4.58 3.55 8.12
63 Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery manufacturing 1.87 4.64 3.11 7.75
64 Industrial machinery manufacturing 2.83 4.38 4.22 8.60
65 Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing 2.26 4.85 3.47 8.33
66 HVAC equipment manufacturing 2.89 4.56 3.21 7.76
67 Metalworking machinery manufacturing 4.36 4.70 4.59 9.29
68 Engine, turbine, and power transmission equipment manufacturing 1.75 4.83 3.28 8.10
69 Other general purpose machinery manufacturing 2.28 4.57 3.25 7.82
70 Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing 4.37 2.46 4.48 6.95
71 Communications equipment manufacturing 1.65 2.12 2.12 4.24
72 Audio and video equipment manufacturing 3.05 4.74 3.58 8.32
73 Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing 2.96 2.75 2.93 5.68
74 Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments manufacturing 2.13 3.38 2.76 6.14
75 Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media 2.76 3.42 3.80 7.22
76 Electric lighting equipment manufacturing 3.67 4.56 4.43 9.00
77 Household appliance manufacturing 3.23 4.58 4.02 8.60
78 Electrical equipment manufacturing 3.35 3.94 3.51 7.45
79 Other electrical equipment and component manufacturing 2.45 4.09 2.81 6.90
80 Motor vehicle manufacturing 0.50 4.71 2.48 7.19
81 Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing 2.02 5.08 3.65 8.73
82 Motor vehicle parts manufacturing 2.03 4.26 3.27 7.53
83 Aerospace product and parts manufacturing 2.13 3.85 3.33 7.17
84 Railroad rolling stock manufacturing 1.91 4.39 3.56 7.96
85 Ship and boat building 3.93 4.47 4.51 8.98
86 Other transportation equipment manufacturing 1.38 4.72 2.85 7.57
87 Household and institutional furniture and kitchen cabinet manufacturing 6.59 4.93 4.97 9.89
88 Office furniture (including fixtures) manufacturing 4.02 5.03 3.70 8.73
89 Other furniture-related product manufacturing 3.51 5.71 3.77 9.48
90 Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing 3.03 4.63 3.28 7.91
91 Other miscellaneous manufacturing 3.35 5.38 3.92 9.30
Wholesale trade
92 Wholesale trade 3.79 4.07 3.61 7.68
Retail trade
93 Motor vehicle and parts dealers 7.37 3.85 4.76 8.61
94 Food and beverage stores 13.62 4.17 5.53 9.70
95 General merchandise stores 13.77 4.23 5.87 10.10
96 Other retail 8.57 4.96 4.93 9.89
Transportation and warehousing
97 Air transportation 2.50 4.03 2.91 6.93
98 Rail transportation 2.64 4.27 2.64 6.91
99 Water transportation 1.06 5.80 2.43 8.22
100 Truck transportation 5.01 5.42 4.16 9.58
101 Transit and ground passenger transportation 8.04 8.84 4.93 13.77
102 Pipeline transportation 1.46 3.18 1.45 4.63
103 Scenic and sightseeing transportation and support activities for transportation 4.99 6.71 4.39 11.11
104 Couriers and messengers 6.90 5.83 5.01 10.83
105 Warehousing and storage 9.18 4.88 5.37 10.25
106 Newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers 3.44 5.33 3.91 9.24
107 Software publishers 1.96 3.80 3.54 7.34
108 Motion picture, video, and sound recording industries 3.42 3.30 3.29 6.59
109 Radio and television broadcasting 2.24 4.38 3.17 7.55
110 Cable and other subscription programming 0.62 4.38 1.93 6.32
111 Wired telecommunications carriers 1.49 4.24 2.41 6.65
112 Wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite) 0.50 4.71 1.88 6.58
113 Satellite, telecommunications resellers, and all other telecommunications 1.65 4.41 2.84 7.25
114 Data processing, hosting, and related services 1.92 6.46 4.47 10.93
115 Other information services 2.37 5.17 3.90 9.07
Finance and insurance
116 Monetary authorities, credit intermediation, and related activities 3.73 4.20 3.74 7.94
117 Securities, commodity contracts, funds, trusts, and related activities 1.78 5.23 3.85 9.08
118 Insurance carriers 2.55 4.83 3.73 8.56
119 Agencies, brokerages, and other insurance related activities 6.44 4.07 5.72 9.79
Real estate and rental leasing
120 Real estate 1.40 5.34 2.32 7.66
121 Automotive equipment rental and leasing 1.61 6.05 3.12 9.17
122 Consumer goods rental and general rental centers 4.55 6.82 4.36 11.19
123 Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing 1.41 4.87 2.53 7.39
124 Lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets (except copyrighted works) 0.13 5.77 2.14 7.91
Professional, scientific, and technical services
125 Legal services 4.07 3.63 4.53 8.16
126 Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services 6.42 3.34 5.22 8.56
127 Architectural, engineering, and related services 5.41 4.87 6.17 11.04
128 Specialized design services 7.48 5.05 7.29 12.34
129 Computer systems design and related services 4.03 5.41 6.02 11.43
130 Management, scientific, and technical consulting services 5.12 4.66 5.96 10.63
131 Scientific research and development services 1.29 6.68 4.17 10.85
132 Advertising, public relations, and related services 1.43 6.58 3.87 10.45
133 Other professional, scientific, and technical services 6.10 4.32 5.10 9.41
Management of companies
134 Management of companies and enterprises 3.59 5.18 4.97 10.16
Administrative and support services and waste management
135 Office administrative services 7.71 4.00 6.81 10.81
136 Facilities support services 4.44 6.23 4.29 10.52
137 Employment services 12.79 4.01 6.41 10.41
138 Business support services 10.99 6.00 6.83 12.83
139 Travel arrangement and reservation services 4.59 6.13 4.88 11.00
140 Investigation and security services 14.74 4.54 6.93 11.47
141 Services to buildings and dwellings 15.18 4.52 7.03 11.55
142 Other support services 5.77 6.92 5.53 12.45
143 Waste management and remediation services 4.30 5.66 4.29 9.95
Educational services
144 Elementary and secondary schools (private) 19.35 4.71 12.61 17.32
145 Junior colleges, colleges, universities, and professional schools (private) 6.15 5.77 5.41 11.19
146 Other educational services (private) 10.29 4.91 7.58 12.49
Health care and social assistance
147 Offices of physicians 5.10 4.47 5.88 10.35
148 Offices of dentists 7.15 4.06 6.15 10.21
149 Offices of other health practitioners 9.40 4.05 6.42 10.48
150 Outpatient care centers 6.93 5.00 6.10 11.10
151 Medical and diagnostic laboratories 5.38 4.55 4.94 9.49
152 Home health care services 13.32 5.54 7.53 13.07
153 Other ambulatory health care services 6.06 4.97 4.73 9.70
154 Hospitals (private) 4.86 6.01 5.48 11.49
155 Nursing and residential care facilities 13.25 5.91 6.91 12.82
156 Individual and family services 22.36 5.12 9.77 14.89
157 Community and vocational rehabilitation services 9.73 5.89 5.82 11.70
158 Child day care services 21.17 5.04 8.23 13.27
Arts, entertainment, and recreation
159 Performing arts companies 3.55 7.41 5.38 12.78
160 Spectator sports 3.43 4.55 3.93 8.47
161 Promoters of  events, and agents and managers 2.98 7.92 5.41 13.33
162 Independent artists, writers, and performers 6.90 5.09 6.88 11.97
163 Museums, historical sites, and similar institutions 8.25 6.24 6.31 12.55
164 Amusement parks and arcades 7.37 4.40 3.61 8.01
165 Gambling industries (except casino hotels) 1.20 9.83 2.75 12.57
166 Other amusement and recreation industries 12.31 6.46 6.79 13.25
Accommodation and food services
167 Accommodation 7.05 5.51 4.43 9.94
168 Food services and drinking places 13.15 6.53 6.15 12.67
Other services (except public administration)
169 Automotive repair and maintenance 5.41 6.79 4.80 11.59
170 Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance 2.37 6.65 3.94 10.59
171 Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance 3.18 5.44 3.80 9.24
172 Personal and household goods repair and maintenance 3.50 7.03 4.03 11.06
173 Personal care services 12.78 3.90 6.05 9.95
174 Death care services 6.20 2.40 3.54 5.94
175 Drycleaning and laundry services 9.06 6.03 4.80 10.83
176 Other personal services 4.39 5.72 3.28 9.00
177 Religious organizations 18.85 6.16 10.47 16.63
178 Grantmaking and giving services and social advocacy organizations 6.89 3.90 6.03 9.93
179 Civic, social, professional, and similar organizations 10.67 3.31 7.17 10.48

* Includes materials and capital services supplier jobs

** Includes jobs supported by respending of income from direct jobs and supplier jobs, as well as public-sector jobs supported by tax revenue

Note: Methods described in appendix.

Source: EPI analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Employment Requirements Matrices, the BLS Current Employment Statistics program, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis GDP-by-industry accounts

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