Table 1

US export promotion, infrastructure, clean energy and efficiency investments, 2019-2024

2019 2024 Change Percent change
(billions of dollars per year)
U.S. total  exports $1,643.2 $2,704.9 $1,061.7 64.6%
U.S. general imports $2,497.5 $2,704.9 $207.4 8.3%
U.S. trade balance -$854.3 $0.0 $854.3
Infrastructure Investments (per year) $0.0 $250.0 $250.0
Climate, clean energy and efficiency investments (per year) $0.0 $250.0 $250.0
Total new spending on domestic goods and services (per year) $1,354.3
Total respending (60% of new domestic spending) $812.6
U.S. trade- and investment-related jobs supported and displaced (thousands of jobs)–Direct, Indirect and respending jobs
2019 2024 Change Total jobs with induced respending
U.S. total  exports–jobs supported 7,507.4 12,210.3 4,702.9
U.S. general imports–jobs displaced 12,647.4 13,842.1 1,194.7
U.S. trade balance–net jobs gained or lost -5,140.0 -1,631.8 3,508.2 6571.6
Infrastructure Investments (permanent job gains*) 0 2,071.6 2,071.6 3880.6
Climate, clean energy and efficiency investments (permanent job gains*) 0 1,315.4 1,315.4 2464
Total direct and indirect jobs created 6,895.2 12916.2
Respending jobs 0 6,021.0 6,021.0
Range of potential, jobs creation, including respending 6,895.2 to 12,916.2


Notes: Investments and spending at these levels will support continuing employment as long spending is sustained at level in future years. For example, Joe Biden announced a plan for $2 trillion investments over four years in clean energy and strengthening infrastructure (Glueck and Friedman 2020).

Source: Authors’ analysis of American Community Survey (ACS) data (U.S. Census Bureau 2019a and 2020a), USITC 2020, Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Projections program 2020a, and author's projections for trade in 2020; and Pollin, Garrett-Peltier, Heintz and Hendricks 2014, Pollin and Chakraborty 2020, and Chakraborty (personal communication 2020) for infrastructure and climate investments. For a more detailed explanation of data sources and computations, see the appendix.

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