Figure B

Male lifetime likelihood of going to state or federal prison, by race and ethnicity, 1974–2001


Black male White male Hispanic male All male 
1974 13.4% 2.2% 4% 3.6%
1979 13.4 2.5 6 4.1
1986 17.4 3.6 11.1 6
1991 29.4 4.4 16.3 9.1
1997 31 5.4 18 10.6
2001 32.2 5.9 17.2 11.3
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Notes: The black and white categories exclude persons of Hispanic origin. Percents represent the chances of being admitted to state or federal prison during a lifetime. Estimates were obtained by applying age-specific first incarceration and mortality rates for each group to a hypothetical population of 100,000 births.  See methodology section in Bonczar (2003).

Source: Bonczar (2003)

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