A more comprehensive look at employment: Employment-to-population ratios for select workers by race/ethnicity and gender, February 2020, April 2020, April 2024, and May 2024

characteristic February 2020 April 2020 April 2024 May 2024
White men 69.6% 60.5% 67.5% 67.3%
White women 56.6% 47.1% 56.2% 56.0%
Black men 63.7% 53.1% 65.1% 63.9%
Black women 60.8% 49.6% 59.8% 59.6%
Latinx men 78.2% 64.3% 76.2% 76.1%
Latinx women 59.1% 45.2% 58.9% 58.9%
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Notes: Data are for workers ages 20 and older. Racial and ethnic categories are not mutually exclusive; white and Black data do not exclude Latinx workers of each race. Employment to population levels are labeled for February, April, and the trough in between.

Source: EPI analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Household Data Table A-2, and Table A-3.

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