Table 7

Employer-sponsored health insurance coverage by state, under-65 population, 2000/2001 to 2011/2012*


ESI coverage (%) ESI coverage (#)
State 2000/2001 2011/2012 Percentage-point change 2000/2001 2011/2012 Change
NATIONWIDE 68.5% 58.4% -10.1 169,169,181 156,229,339 -12,939,842
Alabama 68.7% 57.9% -10.8 2,651,881 2,403,572 -248,309
Alaska 63.1% 57.0% -6.0 372,313 367,253 -5,059
Arizona 63.3% 54.8% -8.4 2,950,511 3,119,783 169,272
Arkansas 61.4% 50.1% -11.3 1,387,818 1,227,845 -159,973
California 61.0% 52.6% -8.4 18,873,334 17,570,002 -1,303,332
Colorado 70.8% 61.4% -9.4 2,805,245 2,749,188 -56,056
Connecticut 77.9% 69.7% -8.3 2,252,818 2,097,223 -155,596
Delaware 76.6% 64.4% -12.2 526,067 490,398 -35,668
District of Columbia 64.4% 57.6% -6.8 313,807 316,676 2,869
Florida 63.3% 51.8% -11.5 8,553,829 8,116,090 -437,740
Georgia 68.5% 54.5% -14.0 5,095,960 4,688,644 -407,316
Hawaii 72.1% 65.9% -6.1 759,092 754,177 -4,915
Idaho 65.2% 56.7% -8.5 755,406 765,709 10,304
Illinois 72.0% 60.8% -11.2 7,869,771 6,680,348 -1,189,423
Indiana 76.4% 63.0% -13.4 3,983,181 3,418,067 -565,113
Iowa 76.9% 64.5% -12.4 1,892,558 1,684,175 -208,382
Kansas 71.4% 59.9% -11.5 1,608,975 1,444,364 -164,611
Kentucky 68.0% 57.5% -10.4 2,394,051 2,162,009 -232,043
Louisiana 60.3% 53.0% -7.3 2,330,985 2,054,946 -276,040
Maine 69.6% 60.9% -8.7 747,262 684,122 -63,140
Maryland 78.5% 67.3% -11.2 3,654,290 3,428,775 -225,515
Massachusetts 74.1% 70.8% -3.3 4,080,768 3,956,197 -124,571
Michigan 76.9% 62.5% -14.4 6,689,809 5,162,150 -1,527,659
Minnesota 77.3% 69.0% -8.3 3,442,921 3,171,922 -270,999
Mississippi 60.4% 53.7% -6.7 1,492,193 1,349,367 -142,826
Missouri 72.8% 60.6% -12.2 3,554,232 3,070,018 -484,214
Montana 59.7% 51.5% -8.2 457,974 421,601 -36,373
Nebraska 70.2% 63.0% -7.1 1,041,276 1,002,259 -39,018
Nevada 71.5% 56.4% -15.1 1,330,279 1,325,159 -5,120
New Hampshire 79.3% 70.0% -9.3 852,775 784,341 -68,434
New Jersey 76.9% 66.0% -10.9 5,578,859 4,914,907 -663,951
New Mexico 54.1% 47.2% -6.9 851,789 821,636 -30,153
New York 66.1% 59.6% -6.4 10,822,864 9,898,361 -924,503
North Carolina 67.4% 55.9% -11.5 4,781,263 4,566,968 -214,295
North Dakota 66.7% 67.6% 0.9 357,653 404,039 46,387
Ohio 75.2% 61.4% -13.8 7,329,008 5,912,797 -1,416,211
Oklahoma 59.7% 54.0% -5.7 1,754,235 1,736,788 -17,447
Oregon 66.4% 57.1% -9.3 2,027,203 1,891,171 -136,032
Pennsylvania 76.4% 64.6% -11.9 7,983,079 6,951,312 -1,031,766
Rhode Island 74.1% 62.6% -11.5 647,720 547,810 -99,910
South Carolina 69.7% 56.8% -12.9 2,429,132 2,266,124 -163,007
South Dakota 69.1% 59.0% -10.1 435,185 414,938 -20,247
Tennessee 65.6% 56.0% -9.7 3,300,418 3,055,147 -245,271
Texas 60.6% 52.1% -8.5 11,387,467 12,026,611 639,144
Utah 73.7% 66.3% -7.4 1,531,568 1,697,256 165,688
Vermont 70.0% 60.9% -9.1 371,853 314,200 -57,653
Virginia 72.2% 64.0% -8.2 4,497,703 4,435,305 -62,397
Washington 66.9% 59.3% -7.6 3,478,838 3,538,897 60,059
West Virginia 65.0% 59.2% -5.8 972,374 913,533 -58,840
Wisconsin 78.1% 64.7% -13.4 3,623,066 3,150,822 -472,244
Wyoming 66.8% 61.1% -5.8 286,526 304,333 17,807
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* Table compares combined data from 2000 and 2001 with combined data from 2011 and 2012 to provide sufficient sample sizes to make reliable estimates for small states.

Note: Bolded numbers are statistically significant at the 5 percent level.

Source: Author's analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement microdata

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