Figure A

State and cities are sitting on abundant State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) allocations that could be used to hire public-sector workers: Share of state and local SLFRF allocations spent and change in state and local government employment, February 2020—November 2022

State Share of state allocation spent Share of local spent Percentage change in state government jobs, February 2020—November 2022 Percentage change in local government employment, February 2020—November 2022
Alabama 16.0% 16.4% -2.2% -0.1%
Alaska 79.6% 31.4% -4.0% -1.2%
Arizona 46.0% 27.3% -2.5% -3.5%
Arkansas 34.8% 24.2% -2.4% -1.8%
California 72.7% 32.9% 1.6% -4.6%
Colorado 21.2% 17.7% -3.8% -0.8%
Connecticut 15.4% 19.6% -6.4% -2.2%
Delaware 17.3% 18.2% -3.0% -1.1%
Washington D.C. 15.6%
Florida 6.8% 33.8% -6.8% -2.3%
Georgia 5.2% 23.2% -4.2% -0.4%
Hawaii 66.6% 6.2% -9.0% -1.6%
Idaho 13.0% 7.4% 6.5% 1.1%
Illinois 61.9% 25.5% -5.0% -5.1%
Indiana 26.1% 11.9% -2.3% -1.9%
Iowa 20.6% 14.8% -1.9% -0.8%
Kansas 23.1% 26.1% -6.7% -3.0%
Kentucky 48.7% 23.1% -5.6% -0.3%
Louisiana 40.6% 22.1% -4.6% -8.1%
Maine 16.9% 8.5% -11.5% -1.3%
Maryland 68.9% 23.6% 3.6% -1.6%
Massachusetts 30.6% 18.2% -4.2% -0.3%
Michigan 25.3% 11.5% -9.0% -3.2%
Minnesota 84.4% 21.8% -3.1% -4.3%
Mississippi 0.2% 13.4% -8.0% -3.0%
Missouri 1.6% 16.1% -2.0% -2.8%
Montana 7.4% 12.5% -6.1% -1.6%
Nebraska 3.5% 42.6% -1.6% -1.5%
Nevada 16.3% 49.6% -5.6% -3.2%
New Hampshire 8.9% 19.9% -16.2% -4.8%
New Jersey 10.0% 34.2% -5.6% -2.9%
New Mexico 39.1% 22.6% 0.6% -6.2%
New York 35.3% 46.9% -5.9% -0.9%
North Carolina 28.3% 20.5% -4.5% -0.9%
North Dakota 22.3% 14.3% -0.9% 1.7%
Ohio 28.4% 25.1% -11.9% -3.3%
Oklahoma 0.2% 12.1% -3.3% -1.6%
Oregon 40.6% 30.6% 4.6% -0.8%
Pennsylvania 69.1% 22.2% -9.2% -4.1%
Rhode Island 23.3% 17.3% -6.3% -0.9%
South Carolina 0.0% 26.3% 2.9% -4.4%
South Dakota 0.8% 28.1% -3.8% 1.2%
Tennessee 2.9% 28.3% -4.2% -1.4%
Texas 58.6% 19.5% -1.7% -0.1%
Utah 40.6% 21.9% -3.6% 1.7%
Vermont 11.5% 25.1% -2.7% -4.3%
Virginia 37.1% 24.2% -1.9% -2.3%
Washington 23.7% 19.7% -6.0% -1.6%
West Virginia 24.7% 26.8% -7.8% 4.0%
Wisconsin 32.1% 14.4% -5.8% -3.7%
Wyoming 23.6% 26.9% -4.1% -2.8%

Note: State and local allocation data as of October 2022.

Source: EPI analysis of SLFRF project and expenditure reporting data and Current Employment Statistics data.

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