Figure B

Share of population with a high school diploma or higher, age 25 or older, 1972–2019

Year White Non-Hispanic white Black
1972 60.4 36.6
1973 61.9 39.2
1974 63.3 40.8
1975 64.5 42.5
1976 66.1 43.8
1977 67.0 45.5
1978 67.9 47.6
1979 69.7 49.4
1980 70.5 51.2
1981 71.6 52.9
1982 72.8 54.9
1983 73.8 56.8
1984 75.0 58.5
1985 75.5 59.8
1986 76.2 62.3
1987 77.0 63.4
1988 77.7 63.5
1989 78.4 64.6
1990 79.1 66.2
1991 79.9 66.7
1992 80.9 67.7
1993 81.5 84.1 70.4
1994 82.0 84.9 72.9
1995 83.0 85.9 73.8
1996 82.8 86.0 74.3
1997 83.0 86.3 74.9
1998 83.7 87.1 76.0
1999 84.3 87.7 77.0
2000 84.9 88.4 78.5
2001 84.8 88.6 78.8
2002 84.8 88.7 78.7
2003 85.1 89.4 80.0
2004 85.8 90.0 80.6
2005 85.8 90.1 81.1
2006 86.1 90.5 80.7
2007 86.2 90.6 82.3
2008 87.1 91.5 83.0
2009 87.1 91.6 84.1
2010 87.6 92.1 84.2
2011 88.1 92.4 84.5
2012 88.1 92.5 85.0
2013 88.6 92.9 85.1
2014 88.8 93.1 85.8
2015 88.8 93.3 87.0
2016 89.5 93.8 87.1
2017 90.1 94.1 87.3
2018 90.2 94.3 87.9
2019 90.5 94.6 87.9
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Note: In this chart, white is inclusive of those who also report Hispanic as their ethnicity. The non-Hispanic white series was only available beginning in 1993.

Source: 1978–2019 series by race & ethnicity, EPI analysis of monthly CPS microdata, downloaded from EPI SWA Data Library.

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