EPI News

EPI News 07/15/2016


The growth of CEO pay

While CEO compensation in the largest firms dipped temporarily in 2015, it still remains 940.9 percent above its 1978 level. A new Economic Snapshot shows that CEO compensation grew faster than the wages of the top 0.1 percent and the stock market.


EPI continues to be the voice of the working class

At a recent EPI event, nationally syndicated Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne said, “There is something very odd that it took Donald Trump’s candidacy to have a lot of people discover that there is a working class out there that is hurting and needs help—and Larry [Mishel] and EPI have been the conscience of this city for a long time in calling people’s attention to the condition of American workers, and we are grateful to you.” See EPI’s recent research on the working class here and here.


Morrissey testifies on retirement insecurity

EPI’s Monique Morrissey testified before the House Budget Committee on Wednesday on the state of American retirement. Morrissey testified that the so-called 401(k) revolution has been terrible for all but the wealthiest Americans—and that she recommends expanding Social Security, among other measures.