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Teresa Ghilarducci
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By Area of Research:
Jobs and Unemployment
Trade and Globalization
Wages, Incomes, and Wealth
State Jobs Picture
March 22, 2019
Economic Indicators
Early 2018 data looks to follow 2017 trends
March 12, 2018
Jessica Schieder
Economic Indicators
Most states continue to add jobs and lower unemployment rate in April
May 19, 2017
Janelle Jones
Economic Indicators
A majority of states see modest employment gains in March
April 21, 2017
Janelle Jones
Economic Indicators
Majority of states continue to experience job growth and falling unemployment
March 24, 2017
Janelle Jones
Economic Indicators
Most states start the year with modest job growth and decreases in unemployment rates
March 13, 2017
Janelle Jones
Economic Indicators
States close out 2016 in relatively strong health
January 24, 2017
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
November jobs numbers show states continue to recover
December 20, 2016
Janelle Jones
Economic Indicators
State labor markets continue their slow recoveries
November 18, 2016
Janelle Jones
Economic Indicators
Most states inch closer to full employment, although energy-dependent states continue to struggle
October 21, 2016
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
August state jobs numbers affirm breadth of labor market improvement over the past year
September 20, 2016
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
Halfway through the year, most state labor markets continue at a jog—better to finish at a sprint
August 19, 2016
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
June state employment numbers are generally positive, but policymakers still have work to do
July 22, 2016
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
Slow state employment growth in May reinforces need to maintain low interest rates
June 17, 2016
Will Kimball
Economic Indicators
April’s state jobs report shows slowing improvement across the country
May 20, 2016
Will Kimball
Economic Indicators
Labor force participation increases in most states
April 15, 2016
Will Kimball
Economic Indicators
State economies continue steady improvement, but stimulus would still boost growth
March 25, 2016
Will Kimball
Economic Indicators
Manufacturing employment has recovered to pre-recession strength in only one state
March 14, 2016
Will Kimball
Economic Indicators
States heavily reliant on the energy sector had a tough year, but most other states finished 2015 heading in the right direction
January 28, 2016
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
Labor market conditions in most states do not justify the Fed’s rate hike
December 18, 2015
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
Halfway there—25 states are now at their pre-recession unemployment rates
November 20, 2015
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
Heading into fall, job growth cools in most states
October 20, 2015
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
Job growth holds steady in most states, but labor force declines raise questions about falling unemployment
September 18, 2015
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
More of the Same in the July State Jobs Report
August 21, 2015
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
June State Jobs Report Shows Continued Lackluster Trends
July 21, 2015
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
Steady-as-She-Goes for Most State Labor Markets in May
June 19, 2015
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
A Few Green Shoots in the April State Jobs Report, Mostly Just Mud
May 27, 2015
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
Disappointing State Jobs Growth in March Gives Pause
April 21, 2015
Alyssa Davis
Economic Indicators
February State Job Numbers Continue the Positive Trend
March 27, 2015
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
Most States Start the Year with Strong Job Gains
March 17, 2015
David Cooper
Economic Indicators
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